~~Title: IFRAME&XHTML~~ /* Needs the Pagetitle plugin and maybe you want activate the "useheading" option */ ====== To show an HTML page inside an IFRAME ====== ===== Code: ===== {{url>https://www.openstreetmap.org/export/embed.html?bbox=0.24169921875000003%2C45.98169518512228%2C15.183105468750002%2C56.15778819063682&layer=mapnik 850px 100% noborder }} ===== Demo: ===== {{url>https://www.openstreetmap.org/export/embed.html?bbox=0.24169921875000003%2C45.98169518512228%2C15.183105468750002%2C56.15778819063682&layer=mapnik 850px 100% noborder }} ---- ====== To show a DokuWiki page inside an IFRAME ====== Sorry, at the moment the following demo does not work anymore. \\ Presumably the delivery of the page to an iframe is blocked by the requested server. To show a DokuWiki page inside an IFRAME can be done with the XHTML export: * Standard output: https://drivrsdu.fr/toutfaux/faux:touche_tgv * XHTML Output: https://drivrsdu.fr/toutfaux/faux:touche_tgv?do=export_xhtml The following DokuWiki IFRAME code demo needs the [[doku>:plugin:iframe|Iframe plugin]]: \\ (There is a certain problem with the background of the XHTML output. Please read at the end of this page.) {{url>https://drivrsdu.fr/toutfaux/faux:touche_tgv?do=export_xhtml 850px 100% noborder }} ===== The Background of the XHTML Export ===== The background of the XHTML export is unintentionally the background of the template of the exported page - usually the DokuWiki default template. To set your own background (maybe background=none), take a look at: [[livedemos:iframe-test3|IFRAME Background Tweaks via CSS Inline Style]] ===== Backlink ===== **LiveDemo for:** [[https://forum.dokuwiki.org/thread/16314|IFrame from a page]]